Samrat Singh Rathode

Friday 29 June 2018



(26 Aug 1999)

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

Don't be so quick to judge me.
You only see what I choose to show you.
have an image to maintain.
just don't care.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.


Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.

 Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. 

Everyone would like to be successful but how?

Then follow my instruction...

Rule1: Trust Yourself

Before a person can be successful at anything, they must first trust them selves. If a person doesn't trust himself or herself when people doubt their ideas they will surely crumble under pressure. Trusting yourself allows a person to get an idea and stick to it. When a person is confident in what they are saying be it truthful or not people listen. If you believe it, then it can allow others to believe it. If you feel so strongly and passionately about a topic, it allows other to reconsider their own way of thinking. Trusting yourself allows a person to never take no as an answer. The confines they feel within themselves give them the power to use no as a starting place not at realization of the truth. Trusting yourself gives a person the power to create his or her own truths in the world and keep moving forward.

Rule 2: Don’t Be Afraid To Fail

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” -Samrat x1
The truth is you most likely will fail with what every project your thinking about starting. Any person who is great at anything has fail at it one time or another.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Samrat x1
However with every fail gives room for improvement. Every down fall allows a person to fine turn, to strategics, to start fresh in a new way.
“You never fail until you stop trying.”-Samrat x1
The people of Einstein’s day considered him crazy, completely out of his mind for thinking outside of the box but he never looked as what others thought as a failure and pushed on with his ideas. Now he is known as the world’s most brilliant minds.
“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” -Samrat x1
Each mistake becomes a lesson. Failures are a place to go from and see in a new light. Chances to gain another perspective on the project.
“You build on failure. You use it as a stepping-stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” –Samrat x1
Its also simple math that if the odds are 1 in 100 and you try 1000 times 1 out of the 100 times you will succeed. People fails all the time, it a matter of if they let that stop them. For example, people have their heart broken all the time but most people don’t give up on love all together. They may even say they will but soon or later they end up dating again. Even if they don’t date again they watch a Romantic comedies because they truly want love and deep down will not give up on it till it works.
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” -Samrat x1
My point is clean, people will always fail but they don’t have to give up! Well know actor Jim Carey came from a lower- income family and struggled to keep jobs, he was so poor he had to drop out of high school at the age of 15. His first comic stand-up he was booed off stage. Now is making $10,00,00 million dollars per picture. J.K Rowling the well known author of Harry potter that late went on to being box office fits had her book rejected by 12 major publishers. Today she has sold more than 400 million copies of her books, and is considered to be the most successful woman author in the United Kingdom. The list of successful people who failed for years goes on and on Katy Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Jay-Z, Stephen King, Bill Gates, and even Walt Disney. What all those people had income is that they never let failure get to them. The never have up on there dreams but most importantly themselves.

Rule 3: Work Like Hell!

Nothing worth having comes easy. Every person who is successful works their butts off to make their dreams into reality. If a person wishes to be successful they must put in the work. That may include doing extra work not asked for. But what I believe to be the most effective is to constantly work on you everyday. I try to lean something new everyday but if a person was to focus and learn more on a specific goal image what that person could accomplish. A person many have to read books or take up classes but they must invest in their idea or they will not succeed. Be the person with all the answers and if you can’t find the answer create one. Be different, work now to play later. The best investment is to learn more. Learning allows people to grown and view different perspectives. Even after humans die their hair and nails continue to grow. That is all the proof that I need to understand that with work and leaning comes growth and success.

Rule 4: Ignore the Naysayers

Everything is not for everybody. The beauty of life is what people have different perspectives and can talk about their different ideas. Thus the form of criticism emerges. Thought people may not like your ideas it doesn't mean that no one will. People have many different out looks and what works best for you may not work best for me. It is important to remember that it is only an opinion and everyone will have one but as long as you trust yourself and your opinion then you can continue on your quest and not be bothered by the naysayers. However it is also impotent to listen to what they say but not take it to heart! One can hear an opinion and try to remove your feeling from it because they may have sound advice underneath the candy remarks. Also one maybe to close to the picture to see the false so listen if it can help take it in if it hurts let it go. At the end of the day trust your better judgment.

Rule 5: Give Something Back

When one is at the top and successful it is so important to be grateful for what one has and how they got there. It’s important to helping others that need help now. No one gets to the top without help from someone, so wouldn't you want to do the same for someone who needs the help now? You where once in those shoes and they were not so easy to walk in, if someone would of gave you appear of well fitting shoes wouldn't life been so much easier. Once a person has, they should give back. Giving back makes one feel better and it creates joy in lives. If you are not helping others what’s the point. Who want to be successful but alone? I would like to believe that people want to be successful so they can share knowledge and success with family and friends. It is important to appreciate those who helped you and to give back. You can leave an imprint on someone’s life. You can keep others trust. You can become a leader. You can gain friends. There are so many benefits for you and others if you give back.
I wish you all loads of success!

How to Be Successful in Life

Part 1: Developing a path to success

  1. Image titled Become a Career Consultant Step 14
    Identify your passions. Before you can achieve success, you will have to define what success means to you. While it may take years to realize what you want to do with your life, identifying your passions, interests, and values will help you set goals and give your life a sense of meaning. If you have trouble identifying these things, then ask a friend or family member to help you. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • What do you want your legacy to be?
    • How would you like to be remembered by others?
    • How do you want to make your community a better place?
    • What are some favorite subjects of interest in your life? For example, think of subjects you enjoyed studying in school. Ask why you liked them.
    • For instance, you may have loved musical theater. Think: was it because you loved the music, or was it because you loved working with a big group towards a common goal?
  2. Image titled Be a Christian Teen Dealing With Non Christian Friends Step 2
    Make a list of your goals, and what you might do to achieve them. Be sure to address both short-term and long-term goals; try to think beyond financial and career goals, such as relationship goals, personal goals for bettering yourself, things you would like to experience, or things you want to learn. Draw up a timeline that says when you want to achieve each part.
    • Set SMART goals; goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
    • Break big goals down. For instance, if your goal is to see the world, you can set the goal of saving money and visiting certain countries.
  3. Image titled Leave Friends when Moving (Teenagers) Step 19
    Live purposefully. In order to achieve your dreams and be the person you want to be, you will have to start paying attention to your actions. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing going to lead me to where I want to be in life?"
    • If you find yourself constantly bored, daydreaming about the future or past or counting down the minutes until the day ends, it is probably because you feel disconnected from what you're doing.
    • Cherish your time. Try to spend your free time doing things that you enjoy doing, rather than wasting time. For example, rather than spending your weekends watching television, spend them partaking in your hobbies or spending time with loved ones and new friends.
    • Measure your productivity by engagement, not achievement. Not everything you do has to be productive in the conventional sense, but activities should be engaging and enjoyable.
    • Keep in mind that it is perfectly fine to spend some time doing nothing and just being lazy each day. This can actually help with your imagination and self-awareness. Strive for a balance between doing things you want to do and allowing yourself to just “be.”
  4. Image titled Get Rid of Study Backlogs Step 17
    Stick to your commitments. Planning is not sufficient; keeping your word is also important. If you tell someone you will do something, do it. Similarly, don't tell someone you will do something if you're not sure you can. Be honest about your limits.
    • Avoid canceling plans, and try not to cancel twice on the same person.
    • Make commitments to yourself, and stick to them. Write down your commitments and hang them in places you can see.
    • Make sure that your commitments are gradually moving you towards your goals. Review your goals now and then to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

Part 2: Achieving External Success

  1. Image titled Avoid Being a Victim of an Unfair Teacher Step 5
    Be educated. Education gives you the knowledge, skills, and credibility to achieve your maximum potential. In terms of financial success, statistics have shown that the more education you have (i.e. the higher degree you achieve), the more money you are likely to make.
    • In 2011, the median weekly earnings for high school graduates was $638 while those with bachelor's degrees made $1053. That same year, those with masters or doctoral degrees made $1263 and $1551 respectively.
    • Not all education has to be formal. Apprenticeships and long-term training programs are also positively correlated with higher incomes. Obtaining a Certificate in your field can help to increase your salary.
    • Educate yourself for pleasure as well. The more you know about the world you live in, the more questions you will have and the more interested you will be.
  2. Image titled Choose Between Private and Public School Step 11
    Manage your finances. Learning how to manage your money will help ensure your financial stability over time, regardless of your income.
    • Keep track of your expenses. Subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income to determine how much spending money you have available each month. Also, review your bank statements often and notice where you spend your money. This will help you prevent over-spending and ensure that your bank statements are correct.
    • Understand your income. When calculating your income, be sure to take into account the federal, state, and social security taxes that will be deducted from your gross pay. Don't overlook miscellaneous deductions, such as health insurance premiums, savings bonds and loan payments. The resulting number is your net pay, which is what you end up taking home with you.
    • Cut back. If you are not earning enough money to cover your net expenses, then look into your expenses to see where you might be able to cut back.
    • Save money. Every month, you should deposit some of your money into a savings account. Consider asking your employer to directly deposit a portion of your income into your savings account.
    • Invest cautiously. If your workplace offers a retirement savings plan, put your excess incomes in that.
  3. Image titled Fit Reading Into Part of Your Daily Life Step 2
    Manage your time. Putting off important tasks until the last minute can cause you unnecessary stress, and increase the likelihood of errors and negligence. Manage your time so that you have enough time to complete tasks effectively.
    • Use a planner to help keep you organized throughout the day, week, and month.
    • Set reminders on your smart phone and make use of its electronic timer for better time management.
    • Make a list of all the things you need to do in a given day, and check off each task as you complete it. This will help you stay organized and motivated.

Part 3: Achieving Internal Success

  1. Image titled Avoid Getting Discouraged Step 1
    Enjoy the present moment. If you are constantly dwelling on the past or daydreaming about the future, you are missing out on the present moment. Remember that the past and the future are simply illusions, and that real life takes place here and now.
    • Start paying attention to negative thoughts so that you can move on from them and enjoy the present moment. If a negative thought arises in your head, then acknowledge it, label it a negative thought, and then let it fade away. Regular meditation or mindfulness exercises can help to make this feel more natural for you.
    • Get in the habit of paying attention to small details around you. Appreciate the feeling of the sun on your skin, the sensation of your feet walking on the ground, or the artwork in the restaurant you are eating in. Noticing things like these will help you silence a rambling mind and appreciate every moment.
  2. Image titled Avoid Giving Up Hope for Humanity Step 10
    Don't compare your own life to other peoples' lives. Unfortunately, many people measure their own success by comparing it to the success of those around them. If you want to feel accomplished and happy, you will have to value your life for its own sake.
    • Many people have the tendency to compare the low points of their own lives with the high points of other peoples' lives. Remember that no matter how perfect somebody's life may seem, behind closed doors everybody deals with tragedy, insecurity, and other difficulties. Pay attention to and limit your use of social media to help you remember this.
    • Rather than comparing yourself with people who are "better off" than you, think about all of the people who are homeless, chronically ill, or living in poverty. This will help you appreciate what you have rather than feeling sorry for yourself. Try engaging in volunteer work to help make this more apparent. This can help to boost your happiness and confidence as well.
  3. Image titled Get Rid of Study Backlogs Step 16
    Count your blessings. No matter how much you achieve in life, you will always feel unhappy if you constantly focus on what you don't have. Instead, devote time every day to appreciating the things you do have. Think beyond material items; appreciate your loved ones, and cherish happy memories.

Part 4: Cultivating Success in Every Aspect of Your Life

  1. Image titled Fight Depression and Loneliness Without Outside Help Step 20
    Look after your health. A healthy body supports a healthy mind. Eat a balanced diet and ensure that you aren't lacking in any necessary nutrients. Establish the cause of any problems you may experience, such as a lack of energy or a lack of concentration and deal with them by discussing with a doctor, nutritionist and related health professionals. Get plenty of exercise too but make your fitness choices according to what you enjoy.
  2. Image titled Create a History Club Step 12
    Follow up on opportunities. If you have a chance to shine, take it. If you are worried you won't have time and energy for a good opportunity, ask yourself: would this contribute to my end goals? If it would, then get rid of other commitments in order to pursue this opportunity.
    • Remember, some chances only come around once. You can't bank them.
    • This doesn't mean you should throw away all your savings or get rid of your safety net. It just means you should say yes when you are given an offer to move ahead.
  3. Image titled Avoid Getting Into a Dangerous Situation Step 10
    Surround yourself with positive people. Make friends with people you admire for various reasons: because they are happy, kind, generous, successful at work, or successful in other ways. Join forces with those who have achieved things you want to achieve, or who are on their way to a common goal. Don't let jealousy get in your way: nobody's success is a threat to yours.
    • When making friends with someone, ask yourself if the person makes you feel motivated, positive, and confident, or if they make you feel tired, overwhelmed, or incompetent. Choose to spend time with the positive people, not the ones sucking your energy.
    • If you have friends or family members who always make you feel bad about yourself, limit the time you spend with them. Also, make sure to identify relationships that are not helping you to move towards your goals, that stress you out, or that require too much of your time and energy without being reciprocal.
    • Look for mentors among the people you admire. If you think you could learn from someone, ask for their advice.
  4. Image titled Actively Listen Step 15
    Set boundaries with others. Advocate for your own needs. Be caring towards others, but don't accept abuse from anyone. Remember, being a good person does not mean you have to take violent or disrespectful language or actions from anyone.
    • Respect the boundaries others set for you, too. Listen to your loved ones when they tell you they need space, or want to do something alone.




   the best things in your 

      Cause you ain't gonna 
                    get to LIVE
                                                                     it twice. 

(26 AUG 1999)
I'm the type of person that will try to make everyone else Smile, but when I need a Smile, No one is there for me.

Life goes on...
Whether you choose to move on and
take a chance in the unknown.
Or stay behind, locked in the past,
thinking of what would've been. 

Dear mom & dad Without the inspiration, drive and support you gave me, I might not be the person I am today.

·        Late Nights, Early Mornings.
·        Lots of Associates, Very Few Friends.
·        You Will Be Misunderstood
·        You Will Be Single Unless You’re Lucky Enough To Find Someone Who Understands Your Lifestyle.
·        People Will Want You To Do Good But Never Better Than Them.
…And For Those Reasons, You Will Do Many Things Alone.